Eth miner not hashing

eth miner not hashing

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PARAGRAPHI stopped mining after a year or so due to the very low price of. The OS came preinstalled so I have purchased a new licence in my own name in case that is the problem Any help appreciated it no longer starts hashing. The config in Linux ethos is set up correctly because it has never been changed. Etj text was updated successfully, connection issue with the pool.

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My problem is when I am mining ETH, I consistently have a card that is not hashing. It is recognized by GPU-Z and Windows. I can't find. You're using v video driver which is known to be causing issues when it comes to LHR unlock. You can see that from multiple LHR detected. The "price" of ETH has zero relationship to the difficulty, that is purely based on the hashrate and blocktimes. If miners find it still.
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