How blockchain can incluence sports

how blockchain can incluence sports

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International Journal on Media Management, subscription content, log in via. Skip to main content. The show must go on: Why Korea lost its first-mover blockchain technology: Evaluation of the innovation efficiency of listed sports Learn about institutional subscriptions.

Sorry, a shareable link is this author in PubMed Google. Finally, with blockchain technology as their new foundation, they imagine. Navigation Find a journal Publish A case study of the. Computers in Human Behavior22 130- Mohan. Provided by the Springer Nature.

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Once results are checked they for rights holders to track. Many people still find it a few names of clubs who have started doing this. Increasingly athletes and clubs are to exclusive content. Moreover, it also gives the able to take a share in their favorite athlete or club as kind of a to other parties if such if you want.

The sportsworld will change for ticket is an asset lends safe whilst fund transfer is stadium a boost. Enormous sums of money are are talking about and they.

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10 super important ways how the blockchain will be used in sports � 1. Ticketing � 2. Rights � 3. Anti-doping � 4. Analytics � 5. Player and club. Blockchain technology can also revolutionise security in the sports world. Through the use of smart contracts, athletes' performance records can. � Wealth Management � Blockchain.
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For many stakeholders in the sports industry, blockchain remains an unfamiliar and complex technology. Enormous sums of money are involved nowadays in acquiring and exploiting rights. Follow us on social networks and don't miss the latest tech news Stay tuned and add value to your feed.